
From: ******************************************
To: *****************************************
Subject: RE: Western Pacific TC names (1989-1999)
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 07:23:16 -1000

You are correct.  The below names are male.


Director of Operations
Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center/
Joint Typhoon Warning Center

-----Original Message-----
From: ********************************************
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 6:16 AM
To: **********************
Subject: Western Pacific TC names (1989-1999)


I'm looking for information about Western Pacific TC names from 1989
to 1999. I want know which TC names are men and which TC names are
women. But I can't find the information. (There is no description about
sex of TC names from 1989 to 1999 in JTWC archives.) I think the names
below are men's. Please tell me whether I'm correct or incorrect.

Column I:
Brian, Dan, Forrest, Hunt, Jack, Lewis, Nathan, Percy, Steve, Vernon, Yancy
Column II:
Abe, Cecil, Ed, Gene, Ira, Kyle, Mike/Manny, Owen, Russ, Tim, Walt, Zeke
Column III:
Brendan, Doug, Fred, Harry, Joel, Luke, Nat, Pat, Seth, Verne, Yuri
Column IV:
Axel, Chuck, Eli, Gary, Irving, Kent, Mark, Omar/Oscar, Ryan, Ted, Wark,

Column I:
Bart, Dan, Frankie, Herb, Ian, Kirk, Marty, Orson, Rick, Tom, Willie, Zane
Column II:
Abel, Carlo, Ernie, Greg, Jimmy, Levi, Nestor, Peter, Scott, Victor, Yule
Column III:
Bing, David, Fritz, Hank, Ivan, Keith, Mort, Otto, Rex, Todd, Waldo, Zeb
Column IV:
Alex, Chip, Elvis, Gil, Jacob, Leo, Neil, Paul, Sam, Virgil, York


